IV Nutritional Therapy

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IV Infusions

Myer's Cocktail



The ultimate infusion comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail premix is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including on-going pain and fatigue. May address issues including headache relief, cold and flu symptoms, brain fog, immune system strengthening, and anti-aging.

*Calcium, magnesium, B1(thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3(niacinamide), B5(dexpanthenol), B6(pyridoxine), B12 (hydroxocobalamin) and Vitamin C.  

Anti-Aging Infusion



Turn back the clock with a powerful combination of NAD+, essential vitamins and a master antioxidant, glutathione.

*NAD+ 250mg, Vitamin Blend (vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B6 & B12), glutathione 1000 mg

*This is a 2-hour infusion.

Weight Loss/Fit Drip



Increase metabolism, curb appetite, and boost energy with this powerful infusion.

*Vitamin C, B complex, B12 (hydroxycobalamin), amino acids




Boost your immune system and feel better faster.

*Vitamin C, vita complex, zinc (Add on glutathione recommended.)




Decrease recovery time and enhance your performance.

*Vitamin C, vita complex, amino blend, mineral blend

Beauty Drip



Hair, skin and nails. Fight acne, wrinkles and tired skin from the inside out.

*Vitamin C, Vita complex, B12 (hydroxocobalamin), biotin, glutathione

Reboot (for Hangovers)



Ease headache, dehydration and nausea.

*Ondansetron, vita complex, mineral blend

Get Up & Go



Burn fat, feel energized and kickstart your metabolism.

*Vita complex, amino blend

Saline Drip



1000ml for hydration only

High Dose Vitamin C



High dose vitamin C to boost immune function, fight viruses and bacterial infections, eliminate toxins, improve healing times, boost collagen production, and increase energy.

Vitamin C Series


/4 infusions

High dose vitamin C to boost immune function, fight viruses and bacterial infections, eliminate toxins, improve healing times, boost collagen production, and increase energy.

IV Add-Ons




Our body’s quintessential antioxidant defense is the glutathione system, which includes glutathione itself, along with the enzymes and other proteins that enable glutathione to do its work. Levels of glutathione have been shown to diminish with age as well as with chronic illness and poor health. Functions of glutathione protects cells from free radical damage, improves cellular function, aids in recovery process, acts as a universal toxin-binder.  This is typically given IV push as an add on to other infusions.




Blocks the actions of chemicals in the body that can trigger nausea and vomiting.

LipoMino Injection IM



Increase fat burning, energy and suppress appetite.

*Pyridoxine, methionine, inositol, choline, cyanocobalamin, L-carnitine, thiamine, riboflavin


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